About Randy

Let me start off like so many other food bloggers by saying I love to cook. Yes, I also enjoy eating but…I LOVE to cook! Like an artist, cooking is my stress relief; it taps into my creative spirit and takes me away from all the worries of the day. And, like an artist, nothing pleases me more than when friends and family so obviously appreciate something that I have created.

I am self trained and began cooking in my early teens when I came home from school hungry and started making my own grilled cheese sandwiches, pan seared burgers, and peanut butter and banana sandwiches. My mom was a wonderful cook and teacher and shared many of her ideas with me. As her food and cooking evolved towards more nutritional and wholesome foods so too did mine.

Most recently my cooking and eating philosophy is rooted in the “everything in moderation” theme. While I strive to prepare healthful dishes day in and day out using fewer saturated fats, fresh ingredients, whole grains, and minimally processed foods there are times when I treat myself and my family to some of my old favorites that require opening a can. I believe it’s all about balance.

My vision for this blog is much the same; to share some of my favorite recipes as I prepare them. While most will be healthy and fresh, don’t be surprised if I throw in one of those old favorite comfort food recipes once in a while just like I do at home.

Welcome to RecipesRandyCooks and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


4 responses to “About Randy

  1. Made the pork in wine and garlic with fresh sage last night. AMAZING!!!!! Best ever. Delish! and EASY!!!!! Thank you!

  2. Hi Randy,
    Testing out your Guinness braised corned beef. Didn’t have the star anise pods, so used a dash of Chinese 5-spice (actually 7), doubled up on garlic and added 1/2 onion. Cooking tonight but will be reheating tomorrow when I prepare the vegetables. Excited for the experiment. Thanks!

  3. hellow Randy
    i sow a picture of yours in http://www.flickr.com/photos/randy_lay/3421879731/
    Cyrtopedium punctatum, and i would like to ask your permission to use it in a book i am writing on homeopathic medicin from plants. so if uou agree , i would pfcorse publish your site as the sourse. (i also like your recepies- thank you, i am goimg to try some…)
    with thanks
    michal yakir. ISRAEL

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